Only allow next in rotation to declarer's lead out of turn to accept the lead
Gregory Gauthier
The current procedure where either defender may choose in practice leads to too much implicit conferring. Treat the rectification for a declarer's lead out of turn like other rectifications in that only one player has a choice to make.
Law 53A: Change "It becomes a correct lead if declarer or either defender, as the case may be, accepts it" to "It becomes a correct lead if declarer or the defender next in rotation, as the case may be, accepts it".
Law 55A: Change to "If declarer has led out of turn from his or dummy's hand then the defender next in rotation may accept the lead as provided in Law 53 or require its retraction (after misinformation, see Law 47E1)."
Add law 55D: "Defender not next in rotation improperly suggests that the lead be accepted or retracted. Except as provided in Law 53B, if the defender not next in rotation suggests that the lead out of turn be accepted or retracted, (rectification) declarer may either treat the lead as accepted or withdraw the lead."
roger pewick
There are many issues regarding the option to condone (or reject) a POOT. I think it is correct that only the LHO have the right to elect; but that there be only one election (the first election stands). I think also it is correct that the election to condone requires the elector to play even when subject to (severe) penalty as it motivates LHO to elect. Nevertheless, that remedy in isolation is not sufficient to address the myriad of issues .
Volker Walther
Think this is a bad idea. There are probably situations, where only one opponent is aware of the consequences of the LOT. If he is not allowed to accept or reject the LOT, declarer may take benefit from the infraction.
Gregory Gauthier
Volker Walther: The director should be summoned when attention is drawn to the lead out of turn.
Note that the proposal still allows the defender next in rotation to draw attention to the irregularity, but that defender is not allowed to express an opinion as to the rectification.
I do see a point that defender not next in rotation doesn't have to point out the lead out of turn, so that player could decide to only point out a lead out of turn if the player wants the lead retracted. This might create the same problem we're trying to fix here and any fix for this may be unenforceable because we can't require players to point out irregularities.