The current procedure where either defender may choose in practice leads to too much implicit conferring. Treat the rectification for a declarer's lead out of turn like other rectifications in that only one player has a choice to make. Law 53A: Change "It becomes a correct lead if declarer or either defender, as the case may be, accepts it" to "It becomes a correct lead if declarer or the defender next in rotation, as the case may be, accepts it". Law 55A: Change to "If declarer has led out of turn from his or dummy's hand then the defender next in rotation may accept the lead as provided in Law 53 or require its retraction (after misinformation, see Law 47E1)." Add law 55D: "Defender not next in rotation improperly suggests that the lead be accepted or retracted. Except as provided in Law 53B, if the defender not next in rotation suggests that the lead out of turn be accepted or retracted, (rectification) declarer may either treat the lead as accepted or withdraw the lead."